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How to Avoid Neck Problems After Surgery

How to Avoid Neck Problems After Surgery

Neck surgery is a big undertaking, especially during the post-surgical phase. If you aren’t diligent with your rehabilitation, the results could be increased neck pain and other issues. You want your neck problems to improve after surgery, not go the other way. There are ways that you can ensure proper healing of your neck after your procedure.

At Kellogg Brain and Spine, our team helps you understand the limitations after neck surgery, to keep you on the right track. Leading our team is our expert neurosurgeon, Dr. Jordi Kellogg. Along with his team, Dr, Kellogg provides excellent care and state-of-the-art techniques to get your pain under control.

Why do you need neck surgery?

Neck surgery isn’t the first choice when it comes to treating neck pain. Typically, more conservative measures such as physical therapy or injections are used first to get rid of your pain and discomfort.

However, if you’ve tried several conservative measures without significant relief, it may be time to consider neck surgery. Dr. Kellogg also recommends neck surgery when you suffer from conditions such as:

When you have one of these conditions accompanied by intense pain or immobility of your neck, Dr. Kellogg suggests surgery to repair the damage and restore the function of your neck.

How to keep your neck healthy after surgery

After surgery, being careful and taking an active role in your recovery are two of the keys to a successful surgical outcome. There are many ways that you can ensure that you don’t have issues after surgery, including:

Participate in rehab

Physical therapy and rehabilitation after surgery are imperative for a successful recovery. These treatments help you manage your pain while you heal and increase motion slowly after your procedure. Without physical therapy, you wouldn’t regain normal function in your neck

Sleep comfortably

Getting the proper amount of rest is important when healing from neck surgery. This helps your body repair itself more efficiently. You also want to make sure you don’t strain your neck while you’re sleeping. Dr. Kellogg helps you determine the proper sleeping position and pillow when you’re recovering post-neck surgery.

Use ice or heat

Ice and heat are key to reducing pain and swelling after your procedure. Ice is typically used first, as the inflammation is the worst in the first week after your procedure. Heat then helps to ease your muscles and promote circulation to the tissues in your neck.

Take your medications

Don’t let pride get in the way of your recovery. It’s important to take your pain medications when you’re feeling discomfort. This helps you relax and prevent damage to your post-surgical cervical spine.

You should also be cognizant of your posture during your recovery. Good posture helps to speed up healing and prevents issues with your neck during this phase.

What are signs of neck issues post-surgery

Sometimes, problems arise after neck surgery for no reason. There are many different circumstances that lead to neck issues. Following your post-surgical recovery plan helps you prevent problems such as:

If you begin to notice any of the above issues, it’s important that you see Dr. Kellogg as soon as possible. Early intervention after neck surgery for problems that arise is key to preventing long-term damage.

If you’re in need of neck surgery, don’t hesitate to call one of our offices in Portland or Wilsonville, Oregon, to schedule a consultation. You can also request an appointment while you’re here on our website. 

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