Spine Surgery Specialist

Kellogg Brain and Spine

Spinal Disorders & Neurosurgeon located in Portland, OR & Wilsonville, OR

Many people suffer from chronic neck or back pain. When conservative medical treatments fail to provide pain relief, spine surgery may be necessary. Board-certified neurosurgeon Jordi X. Kellogg, MD, and the team at Kellogg Brain and Spine in Portland and Wilsonville, Oregon, perform many spine surgery procedures. They take a conservative approach aimed at restoring function and improving your spinal condition and health. To schedule a spine surgery consultation, call the office nearest you or book online today.

Spine Surgery Q & A

When do I need spine surgery?

You, your primary care provider, and your neurological surgeon decide together when you need spine surgery. You may benefit from surgical intervention if you have a spine condition that causes chronic pain or limits mobility, and conservative treatments have proven ineffective.

The team at Kellogg Brain and Spine specializes in managing conditions that affect the cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) spine.

What are spine surgery procedures?

The team at Kellogg Brain and Spine performs many spine surgery procedures. They use many advanced surgical tools and techniques to ensure the best outcomes.

Types of spine surgery include:

Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF)

The team performs ACDF to relieve pain, numbness, and weakness in the neck and upper back for patients with severe spine damage from a fracture, congenital abnormality, or degenerative disease.

Disc replacement

Patients with chronic back pain often have severe damage to one or more of their intervertebral discs. Artificial disc replacement is a type of arthroplasty that replaces the damaged disc with a prosthetic disc.

The artificial disc alleviates pain and preserves spine mobility and function.

Cervical posterior foraminotomy

The team performs cervical posterior foraminotomy to treat foraminal stenosis, which causes the narrowing of the cervical spine and consequent nerve compression.


The surgical experts at Kellogg Brain and Spine perform a laminectomy to treat nerve compression from spinal stenosis or a herniated disc.

Lumbar fusion

During a lumbar fusion, your surgeon permanently connects two or more bones in your spine to relieve pain and improve spine stability.

The team uses many techniques to perform a lumbar fusion, including anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF), posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF), transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF), and lateral lumbar interbody fusion.

Decompression discectomy

Decompression discectomy is a minimally invasive spine surgery that relieves compression of a nerve root. The team at Kellogg Brain and Spine uses the Stryker Dekompressor® to perform this procedure.

Spinal cord stimulator

A spinal cord stimulator is a device the team implants in your body to relieve chronic pain.

What can I expect during a spine surgery consultation?

When you visit Kellogg Brain and Spine for a spine surgery consultation, you can expect a comprehensive evaluation.

During your consultation, they review your symptoms, medical and treatment history, and perform a physical exam. To confirm or rule out a diagnosis and determine the best treatment option, the team may request diagnostic imaging such as an MRI, CT scan, or X-ray.

When it comes to managing your spine condition, the team forms a partnership with you. They spend time talking to you about your diagnosis and treatment options to make the most informed decision about your care.

To learn more about your spine surgery options, call Kellogg Brain and Spine or schedule an appointment online today.

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