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3 Reasons You May Be a Good Candidate for Spinal Disc Replacement

 3 Reasons You May Be a Good Candidate for Spinal Disc Replacement

The spine is a complex body part that houses the spinal cord. Bones called vertebrae and spongy, circular discs that support the vertebrae make up the spine.

Intervertebral discs are an essential part of the spine, as they support the vertebrae and provide shock absorption throughout the spine and body.

However, you can injure these discs, or they can break down over time, causing back or neck pain that doesn't always improve with nonsurgical treatments.

If you've tried everything and still have back or neck pain from a damaged disc, Dr. Jordi Kellogg and the team at Kellogg Brain and Spine offer spinal disc replacement surgery.

Spinal disc replacement is a great option that allows you to restore the spine's natural function without fusing the vertebrae.

The facts on spinal disc replacement

The discs between your vertebrae are crucial to the spine. They provide support and absorb stress on the spine daily.

However, injury or degeneration of these discs can lead to chronic pain and decreased mobility in the spine. The first surgical choice in the past was a spinal fusion. Still, a better option is now available – spinal disc replacement.

A spinal disc replacement is a surgical procedure in which Dr. Kellogg removes and replaces the damaged intervertebral disc with a prosthetic disc.

There are various disc designs, most replacing the entire intervertebral disc, including the nucleus and annulus. The prosthetic is usually composed of surgical-grade plastics or metals.

The goal of spinal disc replacement surgery is to maintain the height and shape of the spine, while reducing pain and providing support to the vertebrae.

Who needs a spinal disc replacement?

A spinal disc replacement is an excellent alternative to traditional fusion surgery for disc-related pain patients.

A spinal fusion is a helpful procedure, but it has limitations. For example, the vertebrae above and below the fusion become stressed, causing complications later in life.

A spinal disc replacement is an option for people with back or neck pain from a damaged intervertebral disc. You may have pain from a condition called degenerative disc disease (DDD).

DDD happens when the intervertebral discs wear down over time, causing lower back or neck pain. DDD is a chronic condition, and conservative treatments may only help for so long.

If you have degenerative disc disease and have tried steroid injections, physical therapy, and other nonsurgical treatments without relief, you may benefit from a spinal disc replacement.

Three signs you're a good candidate for surgery

Only some people with intervertebral disc pathology are good candidates for spinal disc replacement surgery. Dr. Kellogg evaluates your pain and studies your imaging results to determine if you can benefit from the surgery.


However, there are three significant reasons a spinal disc replacement could be the proper treatment for you:

1. Back pain from two or less arthritic discs

A spinal disc replacement is a good option if your pain stems from one or two damaged intervertebral discs. People with more than two damaged discs often have other issues that a spinal disc replacement couldn't resolve.

Dr. Kellogg evaluates the discs' damage and other information to determine if you could benefit from disc replacement surgery.

2. You've tried conservative treatments without relief

Surgery isn't usually the first line of treatment for back or neck pain. However, if you've tried physical therapy, spine injections, and other medications without significant relief, and your pain comes from damaged discs, spinal disc replacement surgery is a good option.

3. There's no spinal deformity

The intervertebral discs work best in a straight spine without osteoporosis. We don't recommend spinal disc replacement surgery if you have scoliosis or any other spinal deformity.

However, if you have a neutral spine without nerve compression, osteoporosis, or disc-related pain, you're a great candidate for a disc replacement.

It's also crucial that you're a healthy weight and have never had major surgery on the spine to be a good candidate for a spinal disc replacement.

Call Kellogg Brain and Spine today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kellogg for disc replacement surgery, or request an appointment on the website.


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