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Artificial Disc Replacement for the Treatment of Neck Pain and Cervical Radiculopathy

Injuries and degenerative conditions can cause intense pain in your spine and neck. This leads to inability to work or perform your normal daily activities. Disc problems within your spine are especially challenging due to the compression on your nerves they may cause. So what can you do when you feel like your world is crumbling from neck pain?

That’s where Kellogg Brain and Spine can help. Dr. Jordi X. Kellogg is our board-certified neurosurgeon who specializes in the treatment of many different spine conditions. If you’re dealing with neck pain or arm pain, he’ll discuss the possibility of disc replacement surgery to relieve your symptoms.

Your spinal discs

Your spine is a complex part of your body that houses and protects your spinal cord. It’s made up of vertebrae, which are the bones that your spinal cord runs through, along with nerves and intervertebral discs between the vertebrae.

The discs help to cushion your spine, providing shock support when you run, jump, or perform any activity that puts stress on your back or neck. The discs are spongy and can be damaged through injury or wear and tear. That’s when you’ll start to feel pain from nerve compression or pressure from your spine.

What is cervical radiculopathy?

Cervical radiculopathy is one of the conditions that you may suffer from due to damage or injury to your spine. This condition is brought on by your spinal nerves being compressed around one of the neck vertebrae. This causes nerve damage that results in pain and possible loss of sensation down your arm into your hands.

One of the most common causes of this condition is a herniated disc. When the disc is damaged, and jelly-like core of the disc leaks out, it can put pressure on your nerves. 

Disc replacement can help

In the past, the go-to surgical procedure for cervical radiculopathy or neck pain unrelieved by other conservative measures was often a spinal fusion. This involves using screws and surgical hardware to fuse together two or more vertebrae to provide stability to your spine. However, a spinal fusion limits the mobility of your spine, making it harder for you to move certain ways.

Disc replacement provides another option. Dr. Kellogg uses artificial disc replacement as an alternative to spinal fusion surgery for cervical radiculopathy. The artificial disc acts just like your natural disc, providing stability and support, while still allowing your spine to move naturally

Dr. Kellogg uses the Prestige™ LP cervical disc system, which is made of ceramic and titanium, and is made to mimic the movement of your disc between your vertebrae. It’s durable, and can be used in either your neck or back to replace damaged discs. If you’re suffering from arm or neck pain caused by compressed nerves, you might be a candidate for this surgery.

Finding out if you’re a candidate for disc replacement

When you come in with neck pain, Dr. Kellogg performs a comprehensive physical exam and may order imaging tests to confirm that your disc is severely damaged. In order to be a good candidate for disc replacement, you’ll also need to be free of osteoporosis and have good spinal stability.

During surgery, Dr. Kellogg makes an incision in the front of your neck, and removes damaged disc and bone that’s causing you pain and other symptoms. He then replaces that disc with the artificial one and closes the incision. After surgery, you’ll have physical therapy to strengthen your spine and facilitate your recover.

If you’re tired of dealing with neck pain and mobility issues, call one of our offices in Portland or Wilsonville, Oregon, to schedule an appointment, or book a consultation while you’re here on the website.

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